

Jun 30, 2016  From:Original  Author:apexams.net


2017年AP考试时间表由美国大学委员会权威发布。请准备参加2017年AP考试的同学收藏起这份时间表,方便随时调阅,并根据考试时间表制定好相关的学习计划,认真准备好2017年的AP考试备考学习。 按照往年惯例,AP微积分网制作了中英文两份时间表。AP考试,我们挺你!




Spring before starting an AP course
It’s time to start thinking about which AP courses grab your interest, and how they might start you on the right path to college and career success. Use this apexams.net to learn more about the AP Program, and discuss your plans with your parents, teachers and AP coordinator.

Some AP teachers require that you complete work during the summer months to prepare for their courses. For example, AP English Literature and Composition might start you off with a reading list of great novels and plays. Make sure you complete these assignments so that you're up to speed when the classes begin.

Talk to your AP teachers or AP coordinator about taking the AP Exams.

February 17, 2017
Students with disabilities must submit requests for testing accommodations by this date.

March 1, 2017
Home-schooled students and students whose schools do not offer AP must contact AP Services by this date to obtain a list of local AP coordinators and schools where they could arrange to test.

March 15, 2017
Home-schooled students and students whose schools do not offer AP must contact AP coordinators identified by AP Services by this date.

April 30, 2017
AP Capstone: Students must submit all final AP Seminar and AP Research performance assessment tasks and those tasks must be scored by AP Seminar and AP Research teachers by April 30.
AP Computer Science Principles: Students must submit all final performance tasks by April 30.